Dr. Anton Titov, MD. You have dedicated your life to saving the lives of prematurely, tiny born babies. How does it feel to still drive the research? Dr. Anton Titov, MD. What drives you at this point? Dr. Anton Titov, MD. Dr. Anton Titov, MD. You have already succeeded. But yet you work very hard and continue to work very hard. Yes, I am old enough to be retired since a couple of years. But I would like to see this synthetic surfactant. It is a challenge to have a synthetic surfactant on the market, to be able to treat not only premature babies. But also other patients that need surfactant. Not perhaps active surfactant, perhaps an inactive surfactant for different reasons. Medical second opinion is important. Dr. Anton Titov, MD. Dr. Tore Curstedt. I would like to see this synthetic surfactant to happen.Thank you very much. Is there anything else you would like to add or anything else you'd like to tell our viewers?This is very difficult to say. Research, it is, it is very, I like this research. To help different patients. But it is also very important that you shall not perhaps work all the time. What I would like to say. Dr. Tore Curstedt. That you must also do things other than just doing research because, I can tell you, when I was a little more than 50 years, I had emergency coronary artery bypass operation because I had stress all the time. Dr. Tore Curstedt. I worked very hard. Not 40; but 60, 70 hours a week. But after that, I also say, I would like to work, I would like to work this research. But today, I don't stress as much as before. Dr. Tore Curstedt. I also like to travel. Dr. Tore Curstedt. I like to travel to different countries. Dr. Tore Curstedt. I have been to about 100 countries or something like that. Dr. Tore Curstedt. We travel probably many times a year. Dr. Tore Curstedt. That is very fortunate. The life you live and also the workThe work and life balance, so hard--Balance, balance.Medical second opinion is important. Dr. Anton Titov, MD. Hard to find in modern life. Well, Dr. Curstedt, thank you very much for this fascinating conversation. Dr. Anton Titov, MD. You have saved lives, hundreds of thousands of babies, premature born babies. Improved the quality of lives of probably millions of babies around the world. It is truly an honor to meet you and to hear your story. Thank you very much. Thank you very much.
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